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Santhiya Snorkeling Hops

Travelling by:  Longtail boat (minimum 4 persons)
Operation date:  Everyday
Duration:  4.5 hrs.
Price:  THB 1,600 / person
10.00 hrs. Depart from Santhiya Koh Phangan Resort & Spa
10.40 hrs. Arrive Koh Mah and enjoy snorkeling to see various corals and fishes
11.40 hrs. Travel from Koh Mah to Haad Khom and enjoy another marvelous snorkeling spot
12.30 hrs. Go to Bottle Beach – sparkling water, white sandy beach for sunbathing
14.15 hrs. Leave the Bottle Beach
14.30 hrs. Arrive Santhiya Koh Phangan Resort & Spa

Trip included:

*Snorkeling equipment (no fins) / life jacket / beach towels
*Sandwich and soft drinks

Note: Lunch is not included

**Depending on weather conditions or related unexpected situation.**