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Date: Any day as long we complete the minimum person
Transportation:  Speed boat (Minimum 6 persons)
Duration: 09.00-16.00 hrs.(7 hrs)
Price:  2,500 baht/ person – Child (2-12) half price

Package Incl.: • Lunch Box Choices: Spaghetti, Burger, Pad Thai, Friend Rice, Stir Fried Basil Leaf with Chicken & Egg, Sandwich & Soft Drinks, Snorkeling Equipment’s(No fins), Life Jackets, Entrance Fee

Trip Schedule

  • 09.15 hrs. Departure from Santhiya Resort & Spa by Speed Boat
  • 10.00 hrs. Arrived to the snorkeling sites of Koh Tao including Hin Wong Bay, Gluay Thoen Bay, and Mango Bay
  • 11.30 hrs. Lunch time
  • 12.45 hrs. Enjoy snorkeling beach, relaxing, or trekking up to view point of Koh Nang Yuan
  • 14.45 hrs. Leave Koh Nang Yuan
  • 16.00 hrs. Arrived at Santhiya Resort & Spa